
The Prime Minister visit to Jordan capital market institutions

The Prime Minister, Mr. Samir Rifai, visited the Jordan Securities Commission(JSC), and during his visit, he was introduced to the Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) technical infrastructure.

The CEO of the ASE, Mr. Jalil Tarif, gave a presentation highlighting the ASE achievements in the field of developing the market technical infrastructure, especially in the area of implementing the new electronic trading system, the new system is coupled with the JSC surveillance system and the Securities Depositary Center electronic system. In addition Mr. Tarif highlighted the ASE efforts in developing new means for data dissemination, as well as the introduction of the ASE new website.

The prime minister also visited the ASE server's rooms where he listened to a brief explanation regarding the modern equipments which began to be used by the capital market institutions recently within the project of infrastructure development funded by the European Union.